
We hope you enjoy all things about the Ogilvie boys (and maybe a little about the rest of the family too).

Saturday, February 21, 2009

It's a tooth!

Or at least it is if you really blow up the pic. You can certainly feel the future grinders when he bites the fingers. He also drools like a leaky faucet. He seems to be none the worse for wear because of it, other than a slight fever, which doesn't seem to stop the arm waving, leg kicking, and frantic breathing.

He has developed a cold, which has caused a lot of mouth breathing and consternation while feeding....when one cannot breathe out of the nose, one must prioritize....eating or breathing. Both very important.

Oh yes, and he started day care this week, part time. He is easing into the schedule this week and goes full time next week! Mommy left the first day in tears, but he seems unfazed by it all (except for not wanting to nap).
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1 comment:

Amy said...

Yep, I can see the white line of enamel showing through. Wow, Evan has teeth! The next thing you know, he'll be talking!